DDD vs Clean architecture: hosting the business logic

In my previous post I mentioned that there are 2 types of code: business and plumbing. I pointed out that business code is not meant to be reusable in as much as plumbing code. The reason is simple: business code is business specific, which means is tailored to a specific business way of doing things. But even more, this code can be sub domain specific; i.e. think of a pencil factory: it has several departments such as Marketing and Engineering. To them, the word “product” can mean something very different.

Are business objects sub domain exclusive?

So the question here is: how do we dealt with scenarios where the same concept has a different meaning to different people in different departments? Let’s see how 2 fabulous architectures approach this problem: Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans and Clear Architecture by Robert C. Martin.

Make the context explicit

So Eric Evans makes a clear declaration on the matter: objects are context bound. By context we mean sub domain/department. He makes the context explicit so the behavior of the objects it’s defined by the context they live in. Going back to our first example we would declare 2 contexts: one for marketing and one for engineering. This could be easily represented as namespaces or packages. So now we can have a product object in the Engineering context which can determine how many pieces of itself can be build with the raw materials in stock. Something like:

var product = new Engineering.Product();
int qty = product.BuildWith(currentStock);

While the product object on the marketing context may look something like:

var product = new Marketing.Product();
decimal price = product.PriceFor(aGoldCustomer);

DDD is not afraid of having 2 different classes with the same name in their own context each. Truth be told, trying to have a single object to represent the different concepts in each domain is the result of a wrong abstraction process.

Make the objects gluten free

The alternative proposed by Clean Architecture is to create business objects with the most basic behavior, which allows for them to be reused in different contexts.These business objects are then used by use case objects. The context here doesn’t need to be explicitly defined. It can be implicit in the use case object. So while the business objects feature enterprise wide behavior, the use cases objects contain the application specific behavior, that is, the rules used by the context on which the use case is defined.

  var product = new Product();
  decimal price = product.GetCost() *1.5; 

  var product = new Product();
  decimal totalOperationCost = product.GetCost() * qty;

The answer lies in the abstraction

So as you can see both DDD and Clean Architecture are very similar. They both put emphasis on the business objects. Both decouple the domain from any external dependency. Both have objects to represent use cases and accomplish their mission coordinating the business objects. The difference lies in that while DDD puts all the business rules in the business objects in as much as possible using a level of abstraction closer to the context, the clean architecture uses higher level of abstraction on the business objects and a level of abstraction closer to the context on the use case objects. In the end all comes down to the degree of abstraction that you choose your domain to be on. So which style do you found most attractive?

Let me know your thoughts.